Friday, October 22, 2010

The things of Fall

You know its Fall here when the combines are rolling and the cows are putting on their winter coats. This year we are trying storing our corn in bags so we don't have to pay the storage fees and because we plant a conventional corn (not genetically altered) and when you store your crop, you don't necessarily get your crop back.
Here are some pictures from putting the corn in a bag.

The setup.

Watching it flow from the gravity wagon into the auger.
Helping it flow correctly into the bagger.
This last week they mowed the corn stalks in the field they just finished combining, raked them, hired them baled and today they are bringing them home. (The farm we plant the corn we combine on is about an hour away by tractor.) Next week they will work on discing the field so hopefully next year's crop yields more. Discing breaks up the soil so the plants have an easier time growing up out of it and spreading their roots through it.