Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Raging Winter

I figured there isn't a better time to publish a post about what life is like in the winter than when a blizzard is raging outside. I love winter, but then I don't have to work outside in it as my husband often reminds me.
To him winter means more work trying to keeping animals warm enough and comfortable with a warm barn, dry bedding and dry udders. Our barn is pretty open to take advantage of the breezes in warmer weather, so we put boards on it in the colder months to keep the cows warmer. We always strive to provide dry bedding, but it is especially important in the winter or you start getting sick cows. In the warmer months you don't have to worry about drying off the udders as much, but in the winter if you don't get every teat dry enough they could freeze and become unmilkable. Newborn calves also need extra care to keep them alive.
Machinery being what it is requires more work to keep it working in the winter. Forgetting to plug in a tractor can mean more work either changing tractors around or doing the work by hand. And it is just plain harder walking to all the places outside where work needs to be done with 30 pounds more clothes, ice all the way except for when it is broken up by snow drifts.
It sure is a good thing winter can be absolutely beautiful. The snow makes everything quiet and white and it just gives one a cozy feeling doesn't it?