Sunday, April 18, 2010

Start of Spring

You know it is spring when you see the tractors rolling on the road and in the fields. The cows are being moved to their pasture for the summer and they are starting to lose their winter coats. I went strolling around the farm today to take in some of this springness.

Our tractors have been rolling right along with those of our neighbors. My husband has been working long hours this last week in an effort to take full advantage of the dry weather. Last year we had only a short window of weather that allowed us to plant. Unfortuantely, he had to haul manure that week and thus we didn't get all our acres planted until June. Entirely too late. This year God has been good to us. We already have one farm planted (60 acres of corn), even though we still had to harvest about 20 acres of corn there, and the manure is hauled here at home. Hopefully we will be done planting early this next week. As my husband says, "that is the goal, anyway." If he meets his goal, this will be the earliest he has been finished planting since we got married six years ago. Perhaps more than any other profession weather is a major player in getting your work done.

Here is a picture of the calves we have out on pasture so far. You might notice that there is lush green grass right behind them. They, however, prefer to lay in the dirt. Much like kids I guess.

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