Thursday, May 27, 2010

Why a Co-op?

Why do people belong to cooperatives? What do they offer that you cannot do for yourself?

We belong to a cooperative because we do not have the time to find a market for, schedule delivery and negotiate the price of our milk along with doing the work of the farm. Our co-op, Dairy Farmer's of America (DFA), does a great job of taking care of that end of the business for us. We also benefit from the numerous extras a co-op can provide it's member-owners. We have opportunites to learn more about the industry; have access to services like risk-management, information on how to best utilize grazing in our operation, and how to conserve more energy on our farms; as well as receive discounts on supplies because of the buying power of a cooperative.

It is important to remember that while the day-to-day business of a cooperative may be run by a few, the owners of it are many. Each member has an equal voice and vote in decisions being made. If they don't agree with the way things are going they can work for change or change the cooperative they belong to. Farmers are not held captive. They see the value a cooperative has in their ability to remain doing what they love to do.

Cooperatives also are of value to consumers because they set standards. They are agressive in setting standards for the quality of milk they will pay for, for animal care and for sustainability to name a few. Cooperatives strive to make sure all their members have the information they need to produce the best product they can.

Cooperatives exist for a reason--they benefit society, through those who belong to them and those who purchase the products they offer.

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