Saturday, August 28, 2010

Corn Silage

Last Saturday they finished corn silage, which was two day process this year. Corn silage is an important part of our cows' feed and we are continually looking to put up the best we can as it affects our cows and our milk check all year long. What is corn silage? It is chopped corn, including the stalk, cob and kernel.
We hire people to come chop the corn silage for us as they have a self-propelled chopper, which minimizes the number of rows we lose to tires. It also is able to chop eight rows at a time instead of two, speeding the job up dramatically.
They haul the silage off the field in chopper wagons that can unload onto the bagger belt.

This is a picture of a wagon unloading onto the bagger. The bagger takes the silage and puts it in huge bags to ferment.

The bags.

This is what corn silage looks like before it goes in the bag.

Today they started seeding for fall crops, which we will use to graze heifers. Thus the cycle continues of working to feed animals so they can provide the most nutritious food to the world.

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